
I think my family is special. My sisters and I share a friendship that is very special!
I am so glad I am part of a large family!
Here's a bit of our "journey", in pictures!

Cindy, Jennifer and I, when Jennifer was just born

Cindy, Me, Jennifer, and Rebecca is in the umbrella stroller (the baby in the other stroller is a friend) The four of us building a tower~ Jennifer, Me, Cindy, RebeccaChristmas 2001~ Brother Terry, Cindy, Mom, Me, Jennifer, RebeccaJennifer, Mom, Rebecca, Me, Cindy, and most of our children (missing Rachel and Emma, who had not been born yet)

Unfortunately, we live many miles apart, and haven't all been together in a long time. We will soon be welcoming a new sister into our family, as my brother Terry is going to be married in February to Nancy!

I love my sisters very much, through thick and thin (sometimes literally for me haha) and I am so blessed to be surrounded by such wonderful, strong, caring women!

Terry, Nancy, Me, Emma, Rebecca, Caleb


Celine said…
I love the relationship you have with your sisters. It's simply priceless.
Thanks for sharing pics with us!

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