
Showing posts from October, 2008
I was tagged by my friend Laura over at (at least I THINK I'm the Kim she tagged haha) So I am going to post this :) Highlight the things you have done 1. Started your own blog 2. Slept under the stars 3. Played in a band 4. Visited Hawaii 5. Watched a meteor shower 6. Given more than you can afford to charity 7. Been to Disneyland/world 8. Climbed a mountain 9. Held a praying mantis 10. Sang a solo 11. Bungee jumped 12. Visited Paris 13. Watched a lightning storm at sea 14. Taught yourself an art from scratch 15. Adopted a child 16. Had food poisoning 17. Walked to the top of the Statue of Liberty. 18. Grown your own vegetables 19. Seen the Mona Lisa in France 20. Slept on an overnight train 21. Had a pillow fight 22. Hitch hiked 23. Taken a sick day when you’re not ill 24. Built a snow fort 25. Held a lamb 26. Gone skinny dipping 27. Run a Marathon 28. Ridden in a gondola in Venice 29. Seen a total eclipse 30. Watched a sunrise or sunset 31. Hi

Weight Watchers and Days out

I am trying to lose weight. Yup, me, the anti- diet, be who you are person has given in to the pressure of the clothes rack and have decided to lose some pounds. I am following the weight watchers plan, although I didn't actually JOIN weight watchers. I have a handy dandy scale upstairs that keeps me in line. so far, though, I still haven't really gotten off my lazy behind and worked out, although as the weight is coming off I do feel far more energetic for things like running through the woods with the boys or walking far distances. I was doing well until BAM I hit a day out. and well, it's harder to count points when you don't have your slidey point counter thing, or your book to tell you how many points a taco is worth! (It's three, in case you were wondering) and it's hard to eat your garden salad and drink your Dasani (bleeeech) when the kids are eating southwest chicken burgers and fries and sprite! so I took nibbles and then ate my salad (dressing on the


It's arrived in full force now. The leaves are falling thickly and fast, and there's a distinct chill in the air for sure. The boys had to wear toques to school today! Well, the two younger ones who haven't decided that being cold is cool anyway. I like fall, with it's brilliant colours and cooler temperatures, but I don't like thinking about what comes next~ winter. The maple trees in our yard provide us with a lovely carpet of red, orange, yellow and brown to rake up, jump in and then burn or compost. Well, last year there were far too many to compost, so we burned a few bags. I love the smell of the burning leaves. It just makes me feel like making a big pot of chili and some homemade bread! Wally likes to chase the leaves, roll in them, and bark at them too. Well, ok, he'll bark at almost anything hahaha. He really needs a haircut but I am not sure if I should this close to winter! and one final picture of the three guys and the pup off to the bus stop.

Candy apples and Children's treats

On Saturday, we were invited to a children's treat at some friend's house. They were having the whole Sunday School over, and even though my children aren't part of that particular sunday school, they were invited anyway! The congregation G and I are part of is VERY small (7, total, not counting the kids!) so therefore it's a Sunday school of three. So our boys are often invited to join in other Sunday school's activities. The couple that hosted it live in the country, so plenty of space for all the kids to run around. They played soccer for awhile, and while us ladies were busy preparing the meal and dessert, the children had a scavenger hunt. Liam was completely overjoyed to find the plastic easter egg with the twonies in it! and I HAVE to blog about this~ I made brownies, oodles and oodles of brownies.......and........THEY TURNED OUT!!!!!! I have never before in my life been able to make brownies that were harder than pudding or softer than rocks!! I was so happy

What a night!

I was sooo sleepy last night that I fell asleep just after 8pm! It's a good thing I did too, because my sleep was interrupted many times. he first time, it was Liam knocking on my door to tell me that he couldn't sleep, which I could not help in any way, so he was trundled back off to bed. Next, the fire alarm went off! it blipped, beeped, and then BEEEEEEEEEEEEEPPPPPPPP it was off like a siren. It was absolutely NOTHING. I guess it just felt like a test run. so we get nicely snuggled in and asleep again, when BEEEEEEEEEEEEPPPPPPPPP it went off AGAIN! again, absolutely nothing. Then, the alarm clock went off way too early, a whole hour early, and hubs being too sleepy to properly fix it, just hit snooze. so the alarm went off every 15 mins for the next hour. I hope tonight is not quite as eventful!

My Boy is 10!

Kyle turned 10 today. It's really hard to believe that my chubby, blonde happy baby boy has stretched into this thin, brown quiet ten year old! I couldn't ask for a better son, he's really a great kid :)

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Canadian Thanksgiving, everyone!

Proof of Global Warming

I don't personally believe in the global warming theory. I know that we humans are making it a unpleasant place to live, but that isn't what this post is about! Here it is, your proof of global warming!

I am SO sick

I haven't been this sick in well, I don't remember how long. It's pretty awful~ headache, hot and cold, achy, my teeth feel like they will shoot out of their sockets at any time! Last night was the worst, with hot and cold spells keeping me awake for much of the night. I hope I am feeling much better by Friday, because G has booked the day off and I have plans for the evening! We have a bit of a busy weekend planned for sure. The St Thomas conference is this weekend, and thanksgiving is on Monday. Friday is my Mom's birthday, Monday is Cindy's, and next Thursday my lil guy Kyle turns TEN!!!

New Kitty

I succeeded in capturing Ginny the wild cat! I have a few battle wounds to prove it, but at least she's safe and sound in my bathroom, cozied up on a warm blanket with plenty of food, water and kitty litter to keep her comfortable. She's growing more and more friendly as each hour passes, and she comes purring out to see us when we open the bathroom door! I don't want to let her out until I am sure she is litter trained. I don't want any nasty surprises on my bed or anything! There's also a Ginger Tom hanging around, which we thought was Baby, until we got a good look at him. we're putting food out for him, but that is the extent of it.