50 posts!

I know I am not as far along as some bloggers, but for me, 50 is great! I have a bad habit of starting something and not continuing it on after the initial glow wears off.

We finally had a few nice days. Most of G's vacation was lousy weather for a vacation~ rainy, windy and cold. However, on thursday, the sun come out! So, we spent Thursday cleaning out a grainery for a friend. Well, more correctly, G and the three boys spent five hours or so mucking it out, whilst I ran some errands, fixed meals,and vacuumed our friend's house (she had a triple bypass recently and can't do alot yet). We were all pretty pooped out when we got home at midnight!

Friday we went fishing for the first time this year. We went to the dock in Goderich, and fished for a couple of hours. It was REALLY windy there, and the fish weren't biting much. I caught one good sized bass, but nobody else caught anything. We let the bass go, and we left there. We headed out to Kincardine just because I wanted to see it. It's a beautiful little town, and Kyle said to me "Mom, I want to move here". That would be lovely, but a little far for G to drive to work! We got a couple of pizzas and had a picnic on the beach. The boys had a fabulous time playing in the lake (brrr) and building trenches in the sand. They came out chattering and shivering, so we went to Tim Horton's and got them a hot chocolate.

I've been reading to them in the car for awhile now. It really cuts down on the backseat bickering and the "are we there yet"s. We are reading and almost done of "where the red fern grows" by Wilson Rawls. I love seeing them play after we read a book! this time, Liam's raccoon webkinz is the "coon" that "old Dan" (Ryan's basset hound webkinz) and "Little Ann" (Kyle's poodle webkinz) chase all over the yard, barking and chasing. In their version, though, Jack from "Little house on the Prairie" is a coon hound too (also Ryan's black lab webkinz) . ha ha.

Unfortunately, our vacation was cut a little short by the car breaking :( We missed meeting on Sunday because we couldn't drive the car that far, and our town doesn't carry the part we needed to fix it. So G will get the part in London and he'll try to fix it.

random pic l-r Aunt Ileen, Mom, Uncle Randy:


Violet Rooster said…
Wow girl, sounds like you're enjoying life! Nice to LIVE, isn't it!!!
Anonymous said…
What is wrong with your car?? I wanna go fishing LOL!
Anonymous said…
That is so cute, They really get into the book. Just like mom use to read to us. I miss them alot and I so wish that Caleb could play with them. He's always asking me for a little brother because all his other brothers live to far away. We miss you's alot tell the boys that we love and miss them. Love ya.

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